Teaching us to hear what the body is saying
Our route to wellness can sometimes be confusing and frustrating so enlisting the support of an experienced practitioner is a wise investment. Below are explanations of some of the modalities used in our sessions so that you feel informed & empowered as you heal.
Conscious Connected Breathwork Sessions offer the opportunity for increased self-awareness, deep healing and the transformation of our stories into our Medicine, or our gifts in life. It reconnects us to this living force that is our greatest gift and most freely available tool for improved health and self-healing.
Unlike some other transcendent modalities of healing, we remain firmly connected to the physical whilst doing so, not externalising our process but rather calling it home to full embodiment and integration
Embodiment & Dharma Coach (Life Purpose)
As a certified coach from the Dharma Coaching Institute, I work with clients on a very high level using the combined wisdom and the transformational power of holistic tools from a variety of Eastern and Western traditions including:
Chakras + Koshas
Intuitive + Spiritual Life Coaching
Human Design
Somatics + Embodiment
Embodiment & Dharma Coaching can support you in figuring out your life purpose, in healing any blocks or patterns that are preventing you from living and embodying your purpose, creating a future full of joy, purpose and love. You will totally supported along the way with action steps between each session to support you in moving forward. I will also bring in all of the other tools that I have learnt over the last 20 years to our sessions to support you in your journey.
EFT (emotional freedom technique)
EFT is based on a revolutionary new discovery that disrupts most of the beliefs within conventional psychology. It contends that the cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body's energy system. With remarkable consistency, EFT relieves symptoms by an unusual (but scientific) routine of tapping with the fingertips on a short series of points on the body that correspond to acupuncture points on the energy meridians. Where there is an imbalance, there is a corresponding blockage in the flow of energy through the meridian system.
For more information LONDON EFT
Systematic Kinesiology (pronounced kin-easy-ology ) was developed by Dr George Goodheart in 1964.
Systematic Kinesiology uses simple, safe, precise muscle testing procedures to find problem areas. Kinesiology helps get to the root causes and does not just deal with the symptoms of a problem. Kinesiology uses specialised lymphatic massage, nutrition, energy reflexes (using gentle acupressure), and emotional releasing to balance holistically.
Investigation without intrusion
Assessments without judgement
In-depth functional problem analysis
Shows the tester what is needed to help
Kinesiology offers healthy, practical solutions to change common health problems that are not due to disease or pathological conditions. Kinesiologists can help you find what’s wrong, and give the body the tools for the job to get back to, and then maintain good health.
No two treatments are ever the same; each treatment is designed for your individual needs.
Qoya classes are based on the idea that through movement we remember.
We remember our essence is wise, wild and free.
Wise: calling on the wisdom of yoga.
Wild: the creative expression in dance.
Free: expanding our capacity to enjoy being in our bodies through feminine movement.
Qoya invites new ways of being to be expressed as a woman in her life. Ways we can build our strength: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual. Ways we can be flexible: not only in our hamstrings, but in the flow of our day. Ways we can be agile: like a child who falls down and gets right back up. Ways we can savour: an exhale that takes us into a hip circle of remembering the gift of being a woman. Ways we can love and honour: what is — as it is — and still dare to dream bigger dreams.
Somatic Trauma Therapy
Somatic Trauma Therapy is a holistic framework for understanding and working with trauma from a body-centered perspective, it helps us access the innate wisdom that guides the healing process. It also includes the understanding of the body’s relationship with social, environmental, developmental, relational, spiritual, and cultural wounding and healing.
Somatics is a field within bodywork and movement studies which emphasises internal physical perception and experience. It can help you survey your internal self and listen to signals your body sends about areas of pain, discomfort, or imbalance. Somatics comes from the word “soma”, or "the body as perceived from within. For example in dance, the term refers to techniques based on the dancer's internal sensation, rather than what the audience may experience. Somatic techniques may be used in bodywork.
Nutritional Supplements: Most people in the UK are deficient in vital nutrients, this is due to modern farming methods, which have largely depleted the soil of vitamins and minerals crucial to our health and our tendency to eat processed and microwave foods, so I may recommend for your wellbeing.
After a session: You may sometimes feel slightly light-headed when you first sit up, but this will disappear by the time I have discussed any aftercare recommendations. Call or email me if you're concerned about anything you're feeling after a session.
How many sessions will I need? It is difficult to assess the number of treatments that will be required as we are all individuals. It is possible to receive substantial relief in just one session but this may or may not be long lasting. It depends on the severity and duration of the problem, if the cause of the problem still exists and how prepared you are to fully participate in your own treatment. In general most people experience an improvement from between 3 and 6 visits. Then it is usually recommended that you return 3-4 times a year to participate in routine balances.
What are the benefits? Since 1st March 2011, due to the restrictions imposed by the Advertising Standards Agency (ASA) and the Committee of Advertising (CAP) I am not allowed to describe what symptoms Systematic Kinesiology can help on my website.
Please contact me on 07540 075409 and I will be happy to explain in detail how it works and what it can do without obligation as the spoken word is not covered by the remit of the ASA and CAP.
Can you diagnose disease? No, we cannot diagnose disease.