Qoya classes are based on the idea that
through movement we remember.
We remember our essence is wise, wild and free.
Wise: calling on the wisdom of yoga.
Wild: the creative expression in dance.
Free: expanding our capacity to enjoy being in our bodies through feminine movement.
Qoya invites new ways of being to be expressed as a woman in her life. Ways we can build our strength: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual. Ways we can be flexible: not only in our hamstrings, but in the flow of our day. Ways we can be agile: like a child who falls down and gets right back up. Ways we can savour: an exhale that takes us into a hip circle of remembering the gift of being a woman. Ways we can love and honour: what is — as it is — and still dare to dream bigger dreams.
Qoya helps us remember those things that can’t always be put into words. Like when you see a sunset and your whole body exhales. When you are on a road trip and feeling the sensation of adventure. When you get caught up in the contagious laughter of a child or feel the warmth of your lover's body in bed while it is raining outside. The feeling of accomplishment when you completed work you are really proud of or when you catch up with an old friend and at the end of the conversation you really feel like everything is going to be ok. Qoya is designed to feel how the body and movement are a portal to remembering, to feel our perspective shifts from going through the motions to savouring life as sacred.
We will dance but you do not have to be a dancer. There's no way you can do this wrong, when it feels good, that’s when you’ll know it’s right.